Often overlooked, a confusing brand name can frequently be the biggest obstacle to growth. If your brand name doesn't clearly represent what your company stands for, it is reason enough to consider whether a new name would be much more effective. It's a difficult decision, but the longer you wait, the harder it gets. Rebrandt® not only creates a powerful new brand name, but also guides your organization through the strategic research phase and the transition from old to new.
Rebrandt® has a knack for creating standout brand names. Wondering how they do it? It all starts with an in-depth 'input session' with the client, where a thorough analysis is conducted to uncover the core of the product or organization. During a live video meeting, two creatives guide the team through various name options and help define the brand's identity. After the session, they refine the ideas into a shortlist of names that are both registerable and aligned with the brand's future.
Within 10-12 working days, Rebrandt® will present 6-8 options, each checked with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP). In addition to registration checks, they also provide suggestions for the descriptor and available domain names.
If you're looking for the perfect brand name within a short timeframe, feel free to contact. Rebrandt® will be happy to assist you! Email info@rebrandt.com or call +31 (0)20 8200983.
Check examples of our created brandnames.